Communities Logo by Gray Step Software

"From our Community to Yours"

We are please to announce.. our NEW District Wide Web Store “communities”. The District office, every school, PTA, Booster Club, Food Service may post items on the web store for sale and receive their income within their own site. This allows parents to purchase items, add money to lunch and pay student fee’s all in one place, in one card!

Data transfers into our full general ledger in real time, making reporting and transparency very clear. ASBWorks offers unlimited user access so now you can issue access to students, coaches, teachers and other staff members in order for them to view their specific reports eliminating the question of “how much money do I have in my account”?

Mirror Me Photo Booth Illustration

With our District-Wide Web-Store (Communities) we bring the district to a whole. Allowing parents to check out on the web-store for multiple students crediting different bank accounts on one payment. This makes the registration process a breeze. A parent can go into the district wide web-store and purchase multiple items, for multiple students, at multiple school sites as well as pay off fines and debts while crediting the correct bank accounts on one single receipt.

Each school site would also be given their own web-store for parents to track their student’s history such as items purchased and debt that may need payment, no matter if the items were purchased in person via the Point of Sale or on the web-store.

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